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Terms and Conditions


Valid for the Web Store operating under the domain.

  1. General Provisions:

Operator of the Web Store:

Name: Coffee Lovers Kft.
Registered office: 6720 Szeged, Tisza Lajos krt. 14. I/4.

Representative of operator company: Gábor Nagy, managing director
Company registration number: 06-09-023298
Tax number: 25856279-2-06
Bank account number: MKB Bank Zrt. 10300002-10676188-49020019
Statistical code: 14415249-1082-113-04
Data Processing Registration No.: NAIH-92479/2015

The language of the contract is Hungarian.

If you wish to be a customer or an active user of our Web Store, please read our General Terms and Conditions (Terms) carefully. You can send your comments on the Terms by writing to the  e-mail address. Use of the services provided by our Web Store is only possible after acceptance of the Terms. By accepting the Terms, you acknowledge that the stipulated terms and conditions are binding on you, so please let us know any questions or remarks before accepting the contractual terms.

Use of the Web Store and the provision of data required for use of the service provided by the Web Store is done on a voluntary basis, and the Operator uses the data only to the extent necessary for the proper provision of the service, as specified in the Data Processing section of these Terms of Use.

The operator of the Web Store is free to change any of the provisions of these Terms, the range and the price of the products sold, the time limits, etc. at its own discretion. The Operator’s obligation to sell any specific product at a specific price lasts until the price of the product published in the Web Store is changed. The change is effective from the date of display in the Web Store.


  1. Distance contract

The subject matter of the contract is the products on offer for sale in the Web Store.

The product range of consists of the following products:

  • Figurina molded sugar cubes
  • Rocca rock candy swizzle sticks
  • Unique products, wedding thank you gifts – Figurina molded sugar cubes and Rocca rock candy swizzle sticks in decorative packaging
  • T-shirt
  • Silver jewellery
  • Cups, glasses

The features, detailed characteristics and consumer price of the products are displayed on the product page.

The prices of the Web Store are GROSS prices in all cases, include the VAT rate according to the applicable laws and are to be understood in HUF. No extra cost is charged for packaging. The prices shown for the products do not include shipping costs.

By sending the order and email confirmation thereof by Coffee Lovers Kft, a contract is concluded between the consumer and the company pursuant to Government Decree 45/2014 (II.26), i.e between Coffee Lovers Kft, 6720 Szeged, Tisza Lajos krt. 14, I/4 (company registration number: 06-09-023298, tax number: 25856279-2-06, bank account number: MKB Bank Zrt. 10300002-10676188-49020019) as the Supplier and the Customer as the Buyer under the following terms.

The Supplier must deliver the product(s) selected by the Customer by mail or courier to the delivery address provided by the Customer in the order.

If fulfillment of the order is prevented for any reason, the Supplier must contact the Customer immediately via e-mail or telephone to discuss how to proceed.

The Customer must accept the products included on the Order Form sent by the Customer and delivered by the Supplier to the address provided, and to pay the price indicated in the confirmation sent by the Supplier in cash to the courier, if the selected mode of payment during the ordering process is cash on delivery.

The Supplier warrants that the prices included with the products will not change between the time the order is placed and the receipt of the product, so you will pay the price you see on the site when ordering. All orders will be confirmed within 24 hours of placement.


  1. Ordering information

It is not possible to make purchases in the Web Store as a guest without registration. Our registered users need only assemble the content of their shopping cart the next time they place an order.

Private individuals and companies and enterprises with a valid tax number who register and accept our terms and conditions may make purchases at the Web Store. For reseller prices, register in the “Registration” menu and indicate your request at the  e-mail address. Final registration at our company is preceded by a data check. You will be informed of the results thereof by email or phone and you can then make purchases at wholesale prices.

Order process:

The contents of the shopping basket are always displayed after you have placed goods in it. You can keep track of all selected products and the current total In the cart contents window. This can be modified or deleted at any time at your discretion. To delete an item, click the “minus” button next to the product number in the Cart Contents window. When you have finished sorting the goods, you can proceed by pressing the “Order” button. In the windows that appear, check and, if necessary, change your details, then click the Finalise Order button to finalise your order. For the purposes of delivery, it is important that you provide a telephone number, preferably a mobile one, which we can reach during the day.

  • Once you have placed all the products in the cart, click on the “Cart” button at the top right of the page.
  • Here you can see a summary of the products you wish to order and their prices.
  • Then click on the “Order” button.
  • Choose the most suitable delivery and payment option for you.
  • You must then complete the billing information. If it is the same as the data already entered, check the “Same as customer data” option.

Thereafter all you have to do is check your details.

  • You can finalise your order by clicking on the “Finalise Order” button.
  • You will then receive a confirmation email at the email address you provided in which you can see the details of your order.

* Please be sure to fill in the fields marked with an asterisk, as they are essential for placing your order.


It is not possible to place an order without registration on the website.

If you would like to register, you can log in as a registered user in the future and send your order immediately without providing shipping and billing information. It is important that you pay attention to the accuracy of the data, as the product will be invoiced and delivered based on the data provided. You will need to register just once and will not need to complete this step for future purchases.

Acceptance of the order

Orders are processed on business days until 3 p.m. Orders can be placed outside the times specified as the processing times for orders. Any order placed after 3 pm will be processed the next day. If any problems arise in connection with the products you have ordered or it becomes otherwise necessary, we will contact you via the telephone number provided.

We are able to fulfill orders within 48 hours of their placement.


  1. Payment-related information

Payment options available at the Web Store:

  • PayPal payment
  • Wire transfer
  • Cash on delivery

The buyer can pay the purchase price of the products ordered and any additional costs (which are always indicated when ordering) using PayPal, by wire transfer or in cash to the courier (cash on delivery).

  • If you choose to pay using PayPal, you can pay for the products ordered immediately. This requires a registration on the PayPal website and an online wallet, the balance of which can be topped up from your credit card.
  • If you opt for wire transfer, you must initiate a simple internet bank transfer to our company with the following data:
  • Bank account number: MKB Bank Zrt. 10300002-10676188-49020019
    Beneficiary: Coffee Lovers Kft.
    • In the note, please indicate your ORDER NUMBER.
    • Please be sure to transfer the exact amount of your order.

If you do not have internet banking, you can also pay the amount at an MKB Bank branch office using the same details.

  • Cash on delivery: you must pay the full amount of the order to the courier, who will hand you the ordered package in return.


  1. Shipping and delivery, collection arrangements

The products ordered will be delivered to the specified address by courier according to the customer’s choice.

You can expect home delivery within 2 days of dispatch, if the selected item is in stock (we will send a notification about the dispatch).

  • Home Delivery

The parcel will be delivered by GLS courier during the day from 8 am to 5 pm to the delivery address you provided. Please provide a delivery address where you can pick up your package during business hours. If necessary, provide a work address. Our Web Store delivers to addresses in Hungary only. GLS will attempt to deliver the parcel to the recipient twice. If the first delivery attempt is unsuccessful, GLS will leave a notification card of the arrival of the parcel and of the delivery attempt. If the recipient’s phone number was listed on the dispatch note, GLS will call to arrange for the place and time of the second delivery attempt. GLS will attempt to deliver the parcel again on the next working day. If the second delivery attempt fails, GLS will again leave a notification card at the address indicating the post office and retention period where and for how long the recipient can pick up the package. The delivery costs of parcels not collected will be charged to the customer.


  1. The right of withdrawal

Government Decree 45/2014 (II.26.) on the Detailed Regulations of Contracts Concluded between Consumers and Companies: the consumer may withdraw from the contract without giving any reasons within 14, i.e. fourteen working days from receipt of the product ordered.

The time available for withdrawal is deemed to have been met if the Customer mails the statement of withdrawal by the last day of the time limit.

Where the Customer exercises the right of withdrawal, no additional charges other than the cost of returning the product will apply.

Our company will reimburse the full purchase price if the product is returned undamaged, with complete content and packaging. The consumer may exercise the right of withdrawal from the day on which the goods were received.

The consumer may exercise the right of withdrawal:

  1. using the template statement included as Annex 2 of Government Decree 45/2014; or
  2. b) by means of a clear statement to that effect.

You must return the product to our address in its original, undamaged condition. If the returned package meets the above conditions, our company undertakes to fully refund the price of the product to the customer within 14 days of receipt of the package in accordance with the applicable laws. The Customer must pay the costs related to the return of the package and the Supplier is not able to accept any postpaid packages.

If you mail the statement of withdrawal by post, be sure to send it by registered mail so that you can verify the date of posting. Return the product ordered to our business address by post or courier service. Please note that the costs incurred in connection with the return of the product are to be borne by the Customer, our company is not able to accept any packages sent postpaid. Upon receipt of the package, we will prepare a video recording of the unpacking of the package and the inspection of the returned product. This is necessary to avoid possible misunderstandings at a later stage (e.g. that the returned product was damaged or incomplete). Within 14 days after the return of the product, the Supplier will refund the purchase price of the product to the bank account number provided by the Customer.

The price of the product will be refunded to the customer by wire transfer only.

The consumer may not exercise the right of withdrawal in respect of a sealed product which, for reasons of health or hygiene, cannot be returned once opened upon delivery.

If the Customer has opened the packaging, PET box or cardboard box of adhesive strips pre-prepared by the Supplier, if the Product label has been damaged, considering that any further use or sale of the product is not possible due to the nature of the product, the Customer may not exercise the right of withdrawal. In the event of any customer complaints or the right of withdrawal exercised by the Customer, the Supplier checks whether the returned goods and the packaging thereof are complete and undamaged in all cases.

Customers may turn to the following supervisory bodies with their objections and complaints:

Csongrád County Government Office Consumer Protection Inspectorate

Address: 6722 Szeged, Rákóczi tér 1.

Tel.: +36 62 680 530

The exercise of the right of withdrawal applies to consumers. For wholesale and reseller partners, returns are regulated in a separate agreement with the Web Store.


  1. Examination of the integrity of packages

The customer must check the integrity of the package and the number of products and sign the receipt at the time of delivery (or collection in person). In the case of damaged packaging, any defect must be recorded in a report at the time of delivery. It is also recommended to check the integrity of the product upon receipt and to record any shortage or faultiness in a report at the time of delivery. The customer may only accept any product that is not in undamaged packaging at its own risk. In the case of distance contracts, in the absence of a report recording any defects, the possibilities for exercising the right of withdrawal, quantity complaints and enforcing guarantee claims due to a damaged product are limited. Quantity or damage related complaints can be accepted without concern if the opening of the package is videotaped in good quality and such recording clearly shows that the package was unopened at the start of recording (all sides of the package are recorded) and the recording records the entire package content uncut.

If you have a problem with the package:

If you see any external damage to the package, refuse to take delivery of it. In such case, please call our company and let us know of this fact. If you do take delivery of the package, open it immediately and check its contents. If you notice any damage in courier, call our company forthwith and have a report taken of the damage so that we may take action as soon as possible. If you do not report any damage on the day of delivery, our company will not accept any complaint in this regard. Please check whether the package includes the invoice and if not included, please contact our Customer Service.

If you do not receive the product(s) that you ordered in the package, please notify us forthwith by email or telephone.

If you have any complaints during the purchase, please let us know by e-mail at . Complaints will be investigated in all cases and a response will be given within 8 days of the notification, and the product will be replaced if necessary. If you are unable to resolve your complaint in this way, please contact our supervisory authorities mentioned above.


  1. Failed delivery: 

If home delivery of a parcel fails, the supplier will leave a notification card or notify the buyer by telephone as far as possible, and then attempt to deliver the parcel one more time. Delivery takes place between 8 am and 5 pm on working days. The customer must provide a delivery address and telephone number where he or she can be reached within the above time interval.


  1. Data processing information

The Supplier represents that in processing the data provided by the Customer to the Supplier, the Supplier will act in accordance with the provisions of Act CXII of 2011 on Informational Self-Determination and Freedom of Information, Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 1995 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data; Act CVIII of 2001 on Certain Issues of Electronic Commerce Services and Information Society Services; Act CXIX of 1995 on the Processing of Name and Address Data for the Purpose of Research and Direct Business Acquisition; Act VI of 1998 on the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data.

Personal data may only be processed for a specific purpose, in order to exercise a right and comply with an obligation. Data processing must be appropriate to the purpose of the data processing at all stages, and the recording and processing of data must be fair and lawful. During registration, the Customer must explicitly give his/her consent in advance to the processing of his/her personal data (for natural persons: name, delivery address, possible delivery address, telephone and electronic contact details; for companies and enterprises: name, registered office, company registration number, tax number, statistical number).

The company will handle all personal data provided to it in connection with the use of the Web Store confidentially and will not pass them on to any other party, unless such other party is the Web Store’s subcontractor. (GLS courier service for delivery of the order).


If you provide any personal data to Coffee Lovers Kft, you thereby consent to Coffee Lovers Kft keeping a record and processing such data for the purpose and for the period determined by the nature of the transaction. Coffee Lovers Kft may use the data and information provided by you only for the following purposes: handling of possible customer complaints, handling of orders.

While browsing the Web Store, technical information is recorded for statistical purposes (IP address, duration of visit, etc.). The Web Store will provide this information to the authorities only in legally justified and substantiated cases. You need to enable cookies for use of the service. If you would not like to allow the use of cookies, you can disable them in your browser settings. If cookies are disabled, certain components of the service may be used only partially or not at all. A cookie is a file sent by a server to a user’s browser which is then stored on the user’s computer. No personal data is stored in the cookie. By using the Web Store, you agree to the use of cookies. The Web Store will use the data recorded during the ordering process to fulfill the order. The data of the invoice prepared on the basis of the order placed on the pages of the Web Store by each IT system are recorded with the data provided during the order placement and stored for the period specified in the current Accounting Act.

The Web Store will handle all data provided for newsletter subscription while browsing the Web Store confidentially and the option to unsubscribe is provided at the bottom of each newsletter sent out or can be requested at one of the contact details provided. You can request the erasure or modification of your data at any time by writing to the  e-mail address.

Matters not regulated in these General Terms and Conditions are governed by the Civil Code, Government Decree 17/1999 (II.5.) on Distance Contracting and Act CVIII of 2001 on Certain Issues of Electronic Commerce Services and Information Society Services. By browsing the pages of the Web Store and placing your order, you accept the general terms and conditions and data processing policies of the website.